How to Design a Presentation: The Ultimate Guide

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, it’s becoming increasingly important to stand out from the crowd when presenting your ideas.

This is particularly true in the workplace, where so many presentations follow a rigid format and fail to engage an audience. Now, you might feel that you have great ideas locked somewhere in your head and don’t see why you need to change anything about your presentation. Remember, though, that most people who are listening to you won’t spend every minute thinking about what you have just said.

Instead, they will be taking in very small details like how concise or engaging your speech is. Therefore, if you want to stand out from the crowd and give your ideas their best shot of being understood by others, read on for some tips on how to design a presentation that stands out from all the rest.

Know your audience and purpose

You might be tempted to dive straight into designing your slides, but before you do, it’s important to know who you are targeting. Understanding your audience’s general knowledge, preferred language, and key concerns will help you create a presentation that resonates with them.

For each audience, it’s important to know the purpose of your presentation. If you don’t know how a certain data point or idea directly contributes to your overall goal, it’s unlikely that your audience will either.

Be concise

Even if you are dealing with a friendly audience, nobody will be interested in hearing your rambling speech if you don’t have a clear and concise path for them to follow. Concise presentations are much easier to remember, and you are less likely to lose your audience.

If you have a clear message to get across, there is no reason to make your audience squirm. Concise presentations are easier to deck out, too. You will avoid the problem of having too many words on a page as well as the issue of deciding what to leave out.

Use a conversational tone and language

Presentations are often seen as formal occasions, with the presenter standing at a podium while everyone else sits. While this format is ideal for some occasions, you don’t want to lock yourself in; feel free to stand or sit as you see fit. Avoid sounding like a stiff presenter who is reading directly from a script. Instead, try to act like someone who is enjoying a casual chat.

When it comes to the language you use, avoid sounding overly technical or stuffy by using plain language. By keeping words simple, you are less likely to confuse your audience and more likely to keep them engaged.

Don’t be shy with the visuals

It’s important to remember that visuals are a key part of any presentation. They are a great way to illustrate your points and can help to make your ideas really stand out. However, it’s important to note that not all visuals are created equal when it comes to presentation design.

If you are going to use images, ensure that they are relevant to your topic and convey the message you are trying to get across. If you want to add charts, graphs, or diagrams to your presentation, it’s important to make sure they are clear and easy to understand. If your visuals are cluttered or confusing, they might actually do more harm than good.


If you want to design a presentation that stands out from the crowd, it’s important to know your audience and purpose, be concise, use a conversational tone and language, and be bold with the visuals. Do this, and you are sure to have an engaging and memorable presentation! Let these tips guide you on how to design a presentation that is engaging and memorable enough to leave an impression on your audience.

Design your presentation and add diversity with your project using Black Illustrations. Download yours now today!