Illustrating Diversity: The Importance of Accurate Depictions of Black People in Design

Design has an enormous influence on the way people see the world around them.

It shapes our understanding of people, places, and things, and can either reinforce or challenge our existing beliefs and biases. Unfortunately, in the design industry, there is a long history of a lack of representation of black people.

This lack of representation is harmful in many ways. When black people are misrepresented or entirely left out of visual media, it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and erases the diverse experiences of black individuals. It also contributes to a lack of understanding and empathy for the challenges and achievements of black people.

But accurate representation is important, too. When black people are accurately depicted in design, it can promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity. It can challenge stereotypes and provide a platform for black individuals to share their stories and experiences with the world.

The Problem with Misrepresentation

One of the biggest problems with misrepresentation is that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. When black people are depicted as criminals, athletes, or entertainers, it reinforces the idea that black people are only capable of certain roles. This erases the diverse experiences of black people and reinforces negative stereotypes that can be damaging to individuals and communities.

There are also more subtle ways in which black people are misrepresented in design. For example, black people are often depicted with exaggerated features, such as overly large lips or broad noses. This can create a caricatured image that reinforces negative stereotypes and reduces black people to a one-dimensional image.

The impact of misrepresentation is also significant. When black people are consistently depicted in a negative or inaccurate light, it can lead to feelings of self-doubt and a lack of confidence. It can also create a sense of alienation and disconnection from society, as black people may feel that their experiences are not valued or understood.

The Benefits of Accurate Depictions

On the other hand, accurate depictions of black people can have a powerful impact. When black people are represented in diverse and nuanced ways, it can challenge stereotypes and provide a more accurate and empathetic view of black individuals and communities.

Representation matters, too. When black people see themselves represented in design, it can promote a sense of pride and empowerment. It can also help to create a more inclusive and accepting society, as people begin to recognize and celebrate the diversity of experiences and perspectives.

Research has shown that representation can have a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole. According to a study by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, when girls see female characters in media who are leaders and heroes, it has a positive impact on their aspirations and goals. The same is likely true for black children who see positive and accurate depictions of black people in design.

How to Ensure Accurate Depictions

So, how can designers ensure accurate depictions of black people in their work? The first step is to recognize the importance of diversity and representation in the design industry. This means actively seeking out diverse perspectives and working to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

It's also important to educate oneself about the diverse experiences of black individuals and communities. This means learning about the history and cultural context of black people, and actively seeking out feedback and collaboration from black individuals when creating design work.

In terms of design specifics, it's important to avoid caricatured or stereotyped images of black people. Instead, aim for diverse and nuanced depictions that accurately represent the range of experiences and perspectives within the black community. It's also important to avoid using black people as props or as a way to add "diversity" to a design without considering the broader context and impact.


In conclusion, accurate depictions of black people in design can have a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole. By challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity, designers can help to create a more equitable and empathetic world.

As designers, we have a responsibility to create work that accurately represents the diversity of experiences and perspectives within our communities. By actively seeking out diverse perspectives, educating ourselves about different cultures and experiences, and collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds, we can ensure that our work is inclusive and representative.

Ultimately, the importance of accurate depictions of black people in design cannot be overstated. By promoting diversity and inclusivity, we can help to create a more empathetic and equitable society, where all individuals are valued and celebrated for their unique experiences and perspectives.

Looking to create designs that accurately depict black people and promote inclusivity? Our quarterly subscription offers access to hundreds of illustration packs, giving you the tools you need to create inclusive and diverse designs. SUBSCRIBE NOW to start creating impactful work and join the movement towards a more equitable and empathetic world through design.

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